We are well over half way through our swimming lessons for this year and I am amazed at the progress most of the children have made in such a short space of time!
Maliha is my superstar swimmer of the day! She was so proud of herself when she did some 'real' swimming!
Mohammed made me laugh with all his splashing about, he is very enthusaistic about swimming from one width of the pool to another but does soak everyone around him whilst doing so! He seems to be having a great time though! Silya is also coming along in leaps and bounds in that group and did some fantastic floating on her back this lesson.
Mariam, Ekhaw, Karim and Courtney are all excellent powerful swimmers. Karim in particular has an excellent backstroke. Lots of children in that group are very confident which is brilliant, but tend to sink or stop a lot.... keep the kicking going kids! All of the children though put in so much effort, I really enjoy watching them.
Finally, a special mention for Sinem who has grown in confidence and is almost unrecongisable from the girl at the beginning of the year. She swims brilliantly with a float now and is getting much better at putting her head in the water!
It would be great for the kids to practise their skills outside of the lessons and Seymours is only down the road for most people. If the children could go either by themselves or with older brothers and sisters or parents it would make such a big difference.