Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Hi everyone,

Thank you to you all for coming to the parent teacher meetings. It has been great that everyone has managed to make it in and have a chance to speak to you about your child's progress. We are right in the middle of our Antarctica project at the moment and are eagerly looking forward to our trip next Friday.

This morning we prepared our triop eggs for hatching so soon will have delightful creatures from the dinosaur age learning with us in class!

I will put some more photos on as soon as they hatch!

I have also spoken to the children about a new display we will be creating in our class. It is called 'WOW' words and we want to find as many interesting words to use in our writing. We want to stretch our vocabulary as much as we can. You can help them by telling them better adjectives or verbs for words they already know or words they find in their reading. They may also like to use a dictionary or ask older brothers and sisters for help.