Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Divali recipes

We have been studying Divali this half term and in our last lesson we made some amazing Rangoli patterns, I am in the middle of creating a display so check back for pictures soon! Or come to the class and see them for yourselves!Here are some recipes for food that you might like to make!


Date sweets

Ingredients: 400g condensed milk; 75g desiccated coconut; 200g dates; I OOg glacé cherries.

Utensils: knife (adult use); saucepan; mixing spoon; cooker (adult use); non-stick baking tray.

• Chop up the dates.
• Place in a saucepan with the coconut,condensed milk and cherries.
• Cook on a low heat stirringcontinuously until a soft lump is formed.
• Remove from the heat and allow tocool.
• Grease hands and roll teaspoonfuls of dough into small date-sized shapes.
• Sprinkle with coconut.


Ingredients: 5OOg plain yoghurt; half a cucumber; carrot; banana; coriander leaves; black pepper.

Utensils: knife (adult use); grater (adult use); scissors; bowl; plate.

• Remove the skin from the cucumberand chop into small pieces.
• Wash and grate the carrot.
• Slice the banana.
• Snip the coriander leaves into small pieces.
• Stir all ingredients into the yoghurt. Season with black pepper.
• Serve with salad and crisps.

Spicy cheese rolls (makes 25)

Ingredients: 25g butter; 1OOg self-raising flour; 75g porridge oats; 170m1 milk; I 50g grated cheese; 1 tsp curry powder to taste.

Utensils: bowl; grater (adult use); mixing spoon; non- stick baking tray; oven (adult use).

• Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.
• Grate the cheese and add most of it with the oats and curry powder to the breadcrumb mix.
• Add milk and mix.
• Roll small amounts into sausage shapes.
• Place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, and bake at 200°C, Gas Mark 6, for 25 minutes.

Edible divas (makes 10)

Ingredients: I50g cooking milk chocolate; 3 tbsp golden syrup; 2 tbsp icing sugar; water; liquorice.

Utensils: bowl; microwave (adult use); tablespoon; cling film; fridge; knife (adult use);jug; teaspoon.
• Break the chocolate into a bowl andwarm in a microwave until melted.
• Stir in the golden syrup until themixture comes away from side of the bowl.
• Wrap in cling film and refrigerate forhalf an hour.
• Cut into 10 pieces. Mould each piece into a hollow diva shape with a small spout.
• Mix icing sugar into a firm pouring consistency and spoon a little into each diva. Add a liquorice wick.

On Friday 23rd November, we went on our London walk to visit some London attractions. It was a fleeting visit as we had a lot of walking to do and not a lot of time!! Ask your children about some of the places they liked the best as there are lots of free places to visit! (However there are also lots of expensive places that could be visited as well!)
We were so lucky with the weather and I was very proud of the children for behaving so sensibly whilst out and about. Here are some pictures of our trip. The next stage of our geography project is to make a leaflet about the tourist attractions so keep an eye out for that!
The children all remembered this view from last year when we went to the Tate!

Unfortunately we didn't get to go inside the Houses of Parliament but the teachers were very impressed with how knowledgable some children were about our Government and politics in general!

Lots of children were amazed by the size of the London Eye and really wanted to go, we looked really carefully to see it moving slowly around the sky.
The children were rather impressed by this! Ask them why they were there!

I couldn't take anymore pictures here as the police on duty didn't like it!

The children were amazed that the soldier's weren't allowed to talk whilst on duty! I'm not sure I would last very long being silent!

We finished up at Trafalgar Square by the National Gallery and then got our train home. We were really glad it was lunchtime as we were all hungry!
Miss Thavarajah has even more photos of our daytrip so we may try to create a display or some record of it!