At the moment in Maths we are studying time and I am so impressed with how well the children are doing already! Most children are confident with both digital and analogue format (ask your children what they mean... they should all know!) and some have already moved on to using a 24 hour clock. If you could practise this at home with your children, we would be very grateful as the more practise they get the better!! We will be moving on to adding and subtraction with decimals and word problems next, if any eager beaver children would like to get ahead!
In R.E we are studying festivals and in particular will be focusing on the festival of Divali. Make sure you check back soon as I will be putting challenges and activities on here for the children to do at home. It would also be great if you could ask your children about what they have learnt in class in their different subjects, we get through so much each day.In music we are lucky enough to be having a workshop in two weeks time and the end result will be a performance. Check back soon for more information.
We have also started a new subject called Morphology. The children have all made an enthusiastic and impressive start. Today we looked at word classes and using and grouping them correctly. We will be looking at prefixes and suffixes in detail and studying words in greater detail.We have begun a Geography block on tourist attractions and will soon be going on a trip. Letters will be coming out shortly.
How many London tourist attractions can you name??
In Literacy we are looking at newspapers... if you have them at home, please read them and share what you have found out in class. Any old copies would be greatly received!
Please remember we are here if you have any queries or worries, if you come and see us after school we will do our best to see you either immediately or as soon as possible. The children have a lot on now, with expectations for classwork and homework high. The teachers certainly appreciate their efforts and we work very hard to ensure they are working to the highest standard! I have had some parents asking for more work for the children and would like to stress that at the moment they are receiving enough! They need some free time to play and relax too! If a child isn't reaching their potential, the Year 5 teachers will make sure they speak to you.
Finally, a big good luck to Mohammed and Karim and Courtney who are representing Gateway at cross country running on Wednesday 31st October!